Jen Ferruggia graduated with a BS in Exercise Movement Science from William Paterson University where she was a standout softball player. A little too much partying led to Jen gaining the dreaded “freshman 15.” This was the impetus that started her lifelong obsession with fitness and healthy eating. By using the techniques detailed in the Bikini Body Workout System Jen got in the best shape of her life and has never looked back.
She is a former Physical Education & Health Teacher and Coach, and currently works as a Full-time Fitness & Health Coach, Professional Cook, Fitness Model, and is Yoga Tune Up® Certified, Jen is a Fitness, Health & Gym lover.
"THERE IS NO OFFSEASON when it comes to physical fitness and health! I’ve refined a simple, sustainable approach to a year-round fit body…and it’s all about feeling free. I help women from all walks of life transform their bodies, regain their confidence, and find new levels of happiness."